Book Donation Drive Info Sheet

With the Book Donation Drive we're aiming to get a Basic Text and a Step Working Guide in the the hands of a newcomer who can't afford it. It's easy to participate: Individuals can use our online store to buy a book (or two!), and we'll distribute it on your behalf.

1) Please use a separate order for book donations.

2) Go to the Book Donation Drive category and add the books listed to your cart. We limit donations to Basic Texts and Step Working Guides. Adjust the quantities if you would like to buy more than one.

3) On checkout, fill in the details as below, using the Group Code "DONATE".


4) On confirmation, the banking details and order total will be displayed on the screen, and also mailed to the email address supplied.  Please EFT your payment to NA Western Cape using the Order Number as payment reference to complete the order.

Please Note

  • We'll protect the identity of the donator, and of the person who requests a book. A small group of Trusted Servants will have access to this info for accountability (Literature Subcommittee Chair/Vice Chair/Treasurer; WCASC Treasurer; WCASC Chair)
  • Extra monies added to the EFT payment will NOT go to this Donation Drive, as it will be allocated as a monetary contribution to NA Western Cape.

WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION. Please email for any queries.